Friday, April 20, 2007

Bonus - Part 2

I renamed the previous post 'Bonus' to 'Bonus -Part 1' for continuitity purpose...

Due to the company not so satisfactory performance, everybody including myself though our bonus for this year will go down to drain… But thing turned out to be better. I will get my bonus, a reward for my hardship contributed to the company in year 2006. Glad.

Now, the next thing problem is – What should I do with the bonus? There are many options:

1. Invest in unit trust. Generate more money. ( the amount become lesser is market down la)
2. Save it in bank. Log in the internet banking, see the figure and make myself happy as and when I like.
3. Buy something for Yvonne and myself. What about this

After all, I still do not decide what to do with the money.

Any suggestion from anyone? Your suggestion will definitely be taken into my consideration.


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