Friday, July 27, 2007

Do it yourself lowering kit

I come across this website, They sell quite a number of units gadgets/add-on/spare parts/DIY kit for your car. Seriously, damn cool~~

I've found the lowering kit has great potential in our market, Cheap (only USD19.99) as compare you go to any garage. There are so many young drivers out there like to lower their car. I believe it will sell, i definitely can earn a big buck from this product.

Well, here goes the description (I copy and paste from the website la):

"Some people spend hundreds - even thousands merely to lower their car! Some people even cut their springs - that is the wrong way to lower a car! Why bother with different bolt sizes and components, when KaleCoAuto's do-it-yourself lowering kit is a mere four piece kit! Installs in minutes, just insert one per tire and you'll be the envy of every lowrider in town! Now available in standard, chrome, and gold."

If you think USD19.99 is still too expensive, well, i have the local made as well...

RM19.99 per set.

Think about it, worth to try...

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