Thursday, October 19, 2006


I seriously do not know how to treat you like i used to do for the next couple of day... maybe even longer..

I feel really terrible over this matter...

We had put in so much efforts, be it save on our own personal expenses, cut down on entertainment and even scarify on basic needs just to clear all the shit i made in the past. Finally, after months of efforts and hardship, we see the returns.

I had urge on replace some parts of our red baby so it can perform better, especially travel on north south highway, but, i managed to find tonne of reasons to convince myself to abandon the though. A little disappointment but I was so glad that we managed to achieve our target and i even posted the news in our blog. But...

Weeks ago, the returns half gone again. Then, we have to start all over again. How long do we need to take to clear the shit this round? I though we should able to search for our own nest instead of clearing shit?

I did not realize the shits will cost so much to us, until i was told off by an adviser right on my face. Do you know how miserable is the feeling?

After all, I am responsible for all these. I should have stopped you for doing that.

We will be going through the clearing shit cycle again.

I hate it.